
Amazon Prime (Phishing) Day

Shopping on Amazon Prime Day? Be careful of phishing scams.

Thousands of new fake websites using the Amazon brand have been created by hackers who are trying to steal your personal information during this popular shopping event.

This Amazon Prime Day keep an eye out for:

  • Fake websites related to Amazon Prime, Amazon returns, and order cancellations. The biggest giveaway is the URL. One trick hackers are using is creating long URLs like: This link, at first glance, appears legitimate, but a closer look shows us that the site is actually hosted on the “” domain and not
  • Phishing emails advertising Prime Day Deals with PDF attachments. As a general rule of thumb, you should always check the sender of an email to verify that it’s a legitimate email address.
  • Avoid shopping via e-mailed links or ads on social media. It’s better to shop directly on
  • Fake Amazon websites that prominently display a contact phone number. The real Amazon website doesn’t promote customer service by phone, and it’s very hard to find a contact number on their site.

Want to learn how to better protect your devices and your business against phishing scams and other cyber threats? Watch our webinar “Cost-effective cybersecurity solutions for in-office & remote work”.