
7 Ways to Avoid Getting Your Emails Flagged as Spam

The Monty Python “Spam” sketch makes us laugh, but business emails filtered as spam do not. Your business wants to reach its prospects and customers. Our latest article shares tips to help you ensure they get your messages.

Internet service providers (ISPs) use algorithms, custom configurations, and/or machine learning to filter emails, and this keeps your employee’s inbox free from unwanted emails. The filters also aim to stop emails with ill intent (e.g. viruses, phishing, or ransomware).

Yet, as filters get smarter and stronger to ward off cyberattacks, you now also need to do more to get legitimate business emails to your customers’ inboxes. Ensure your emails get through to the intended audience with these 7 strategies.

#1 Get permission from recipients

In some countries, if your recipients didn’t ask or agree to hear from you, and the email is of a commercial nature, the email you’re sending is spam. That’s why buying a bulk email list can hurt your sender reputation. You don’t want your business associated with spam.

#2 Avoid spam trigger words

Content filters are set to be sensitive to words that typically indicate a spammer’s efforts. These include:

  • “Dear friend”
  • “Toll-free”
  • “Risk-free”
  • “Special offer”
  • “Free prize”

You’ll also want to avoid ALL CAPS and overusing exclamation points.

#3 Don’t rely on images

An email which uses only an image will trigger a content filter. Even if you have an image in your email, you should always have something to say about it as well.

#4 Drive engagement

Mail providers and ISPs are able to track how people receive your emails and whether they react positively. If they immediately delete the email without even looking at it, you could be labeled as spam. If they open the email, click on a link, respond or send it on to someone else, that’s positive engagement. This improves your sender reputation, which improves your chances of reaching recipients.

#5 Work with a reputable internet service provider

Your business may be sending from a shared IP address. If someone else has been sending spam from that address, you will be a suspect, too, at least by those who filter based on IP. This is particularly painful, as you’re suffering as a result of someone else’s bad deeds.

If you are sending mass marketing emails, use an email marketing platform such as MailChimp or ActiveCampaign. These platforms manage their own sender reputation.

#6 Always include both a way to unsubscribe and your contact information

When emailing a list, provide updated and valid contact information for your company. Also, make sure you offer a clear way to unsubscribe. If you don’t, you risk noncompliance with regulations against unsolicited marketing.

#7 Pace yourself

Sending too many emails at once will prompt filter scrutiny. That’s why many marketers take a “drip campaign” approach. Instead of sending hundreds of emails at once, you schedule a staggered send.

Stay in touch successfully

The success of your email marketing and day-to-day communications relies on your getting through spam filters. It can help to ask new subscribers to whitelist you. That means they’ll add your “From” address to their contact list. This tells the service provider that they asked for this communication.

Monitoring your deliverability is one of the best ways to successfully stay in touch with your audience. Make it easier on your team by partnering with Digital Industry and keep your emails out of spam folders. Call us now at 240-839-5300.