
Intel Processor Shortage: How It Can Affect You

Intel, the market leader in computer processor production worldwide, has been dealing with a processor chip supply shortage that is expected to continue despite the company’s efforts to boost its production capacity.

Since 2018, Intel has been trying to solve its CPU (central processing unit) supply shortage problem by investing in its manufacturing capacity. Unfortunately, they are still struggling to meet demand, and the backlogs are expected to continue until further notice.

A contributing factor to increased processor demand is a spike in PC demand as a result of Windows 7 reaching its End of Life (EOL) stage on January 14, 2020. EOL means Microsoft will no longer provide technical support, security patches and software updates to Windows 7 computers. As a result, companies using Windows 7 computers are upgrading to newer devices as they move to Windows 10.

If you’re still using Windows 7 computers or Windows Server 2008 and need guidance, read this article.

How This Processor Shortage Can Affect You   

Generally, it takes between 2 to weeks from the time you order your system until it’s ready for deployment. However, Intel’s backlog may cause your system order to be delayed, so please factor in extra time when ordering a new system throughout 2020.

Once you have configured your new workstation, the typical timeline looks like this:

  1. Order is sent to the vendor & depending on the specifications of the new system, it may need to be built – this takes about 2 weeks but lately it has been taking up to 4 weeks. We have also found that many pre-build standard workstations are out of stock and have backorder times of up to 3 weeks.
  2. Once your system is ready, it is shipped to your MSP provider – this takes 2 to 5 business days.
  3. The system is then configured with your line of business software and specifications. This can take as little as 2 days, up to a week, depending on quantity and complexity of the setup. The systems are then deployed at your office.